XV Meditative Attainment, XVI Anger , XVII Unwholesome repetition series, XVIII Discipline Repetition Series, XIX Lust and so forth repetition series
XV Meditative Attainment AN 2.163-179 Samapatti Vagga
AN 2.163
"Bhikkhus, there are these two qualities. What two? Skillfulness in [entering] a meditative attainment and skillfulness in emerging from a meditative attainment. These are the two qualities."
AN 2.164-179
''Bhikkhus, there are these two qualities. What two? (164) Rectitude and gentleness. . . (165) Patience and mildness... (166) Softness of speech and hospitality .. . (167) Harmlessness and purity ... (168) Not guarding the doors of the sense faculties and immoderation in eating ... (169) Guarding the doors of the sense faculties and moderation in eating ... (170) The power of reflection and the power of development.. . (171) The power of mindfulness and the power of concentration ... (172) Serenity and insight . . . (173) Failure in virtuous behavior and failure in view ... (174) Accomplishment of virtuous behavior and accomplishment of view . .. (175) Purity of virtuous behavior and purity of view ... (176) Purity of view and striving in accordance with one's view ... (177) Non-contentment in regard to wholesome qualities and indefatigability in striving... (178) Muddle-mindedness and lack of clear comprehension ... (179) Mindfulness and clear comprehension . These are the two qualities."
XVI Anger AN 2.180-229 Kodha Peyyala Vagga
AN 2.180- 184
"Bhikkhus, there are these two qualities. What two? (180) Anger and hostility.. (181) Denigration and insolence... (182) Envy and miserliness.. . (183) Deceitfulness and craftiness... (184) Moral shamelessness and moral recklessness. These are the two qualities."
AN 2.185 -189
"Bhikkhus, there are these two qualities. What two?
(185) Non -anger and non -hostility . . . (186) Non-denigration and non-insolence... (187) Non -envy and non-miserliness... (188) Non-deceitfulness and non -craftiness... (189) Moral shame and moral dread. These are the two qualities."
AN 2.190 -194
"Bhikkhus, possessing two qualities, one dwells in suffering. What two? (190) Anger and hostility ... (191) Denigration and insolence... (192 ) Envy and miserliness.. . (193) Deceitfulness and craftiness... (194) Moral shamelessness and moral recklessness. Possessing these two qualities, one dwells in suffering."
AN 2.195-199
"Bhikkhus, possessing two qualities, one dwells happily. What two? (195) Non -anger and non -hostility . . . (196) Non-denigration and non- insolence . . . (197) Non-envy and non-miserliness... (198) Non -deceitfulness and non-craftiness. . . . (199) Moral shame and moral dread .
Possessing these two qualities, one dwells happily
AN 2.200-204
"Bhikkhus, these two qualities lead to the decline of a bhikkhu who is a trainee. What two?
(200) Anger and hostility... (201) Denigration and insolence... (202) Envy and miserliness... (203) Deceitfulness and craftiness ... (204) Moral shamelessness and moral recklessness.
These two qualities lead to the decline of a bhikkhu who is a trainee."
AN 2.205 -209
"Bhikkhus, these two qualities lead to the non-decline of a bhikkhu w ho is a trainee. What two ?
(205) Non-anger and non-hostility .. . (206) Non -denigration and non-insolence... (207) Non-envy and non-miserliness. . . (208) Non-deceitfulness and non-craftiness... (209) Moral shame and moral dread.
These two qualities lead to the non-decline of a bhikkhu who is a trainee."
AN 2.210 -214
"Bhikkhus, possessing two qualities, one is deposited in hell as if brought there. What two?
(210) Anger and hostility ... (211 ) Denigration and insolence (212) Envy and miserliness... (213) Deceitfulness and craftiness... (214) Moral shamelessness and moral recklessness.
Possessing these two qualities, one is deposited in hell as if brought there."
AN 2.215-219 "Bhikkhus, possessing two qualities, one is deposited in heaven as if brought there. What two ?
(215) Non-anger and non-hostility, .. (216) Non-denigration and non-insolence... (217) Non-envy and non-miserliness.. . (218) Non-deceitfulness and non-craftiness... (219) Moral shame and moral dread.
Possessing these two qualities, one is deposited in heaven as if brought there."
AN 2.220 -224
"Bhikkhus, possessing two qualities, with the breakup of the body, after death, someone here is reborn in the plane of misery, in a bad destination, in the lower world, in hell. What two?
(220) Anger and hostility... (221) Denigration and insolence .. . (222) Envy and miserliness... (223) Deceitfulness and craftiness... (224) Moral shamelessness and moral recklessness.
Possessing these two qualities, with the breakup of the body, after death, someone here is reborn in the plane of misery, in a bad destination, in the lower world, in hell." AN 2.225 -229
"Bhikkhus, possessing two qualities, with the breakup of the body, after death, someone here is reborn in a good destination, in a heavenly world. What two?
(225) Non -anger and non-hostility . .. (226) Non-denigration and non -insolence.. . (227) Non-envy and non-miserliness... (228) Non-deceitfulness and non -craftiness... (229) Moral shame and moral dread.
Possessing these two qualities, with the breakup of the body, after death, someone here is reborn in a good destination, in a heavenly world ."
XVII Unwholesome Repetition Series AN 2.230-279 Akusala Peyyala Vagga
AN 2.230 -234
"Bhikkhus, there are these two unwholesome qualities. What two?
(230) Anger and hostility... (231) Denigration and insolence .. . (232) Envy and miserliness... (233) Deceitfulness and craftiness... (234) Moral shamelessness and moral recklessness. These are the two unwholesome qualities."
AN 2.235-239
"Bhikkhus, there are these two wholesome qualities. What two?
(235) Non-anger and non-hostility... (236) Non-denigration and non -insolence... (237) Non-envy and non -miserliness... (238) Non-deceitfulness and non-craftiness... (239) Moral shame and moral dread. These are the two wholesome qualities."
AN 2.240 -244
"Bhikkhus, there are these two blameworthy qualities. What two ? (240) Anger and hostility... (241) Denigration and insolence . . . (242) Envy and miserliness.. . (243) Deceitfulness, and craftiness... (244) Moral shamelessness and moral recklessness.
These are the two blameworthy qualities."
AN 2.245-249
"Bhikkhus, there are these two blameless qualities. What two? (245) Non-anger and non-hostility... (246) Non-denigration and non -insolence.. . (247) Non-envy and non -miserliness... (248) Non-deceitfulness and non-craftiness... (249) Moral shame and moral dread. These are the two blameless qualities."
AN 2.250-254
"Bhikhus, there are these two qualities that have suffering as their outcome. What two? (250) Anger and hostility ... (251) Denigration and insolence... (252) Envy and miserliness... (253) Deceitfulness and craftiness... (254) Moral shamelessness and moral recklessness.
These are the two qualities that have suffering as their outcome."
AN 2.255-259
"Bhikkhus, there are these two qualities that have happiness as their outcome. What two? (255) Non -anger and non-hostility . . . (256) Non-denigration and non -insolence ... (257) Non -envy and non-miserliness... (258) Non-deceitfulness and non -craftiness... (259) Moral shame and moral dread. These are the two qualities that have happiness as their outcome."
AN 2.260-264
"Bhikkhus, there are these two qualities that result in suffering. What two? (260) Anger and hostility . . . (261) Denigration and insolence... (262) Envy and miserliness. . . (263) Deceitfulness and craftiness.. . (264) Moral shamelessness and moral recklessness. These are the two qualities that result in suffering. "
AN 2.265-269
"Bhikkhus, there are these two qualities that result in happiness. What two? (265) Non-anger and non -hostility .. . (266) Non-denigration and non-insolence... (267) Non -envy and non-miserliness . . . (268) Non-deceitfulness and non -craftiness... (269) Moral shame and moral dread. These are the two qualities that result in happiness."
AN 2.270 -274
"Bhikkhus, there are these two afflictive qualities. What two? (270) Anger and hostility... (271) Denigration and insolence .. . (272 ) Envy and miserliness... (273) Deceitfulness and craftiness... (274) Moral shamelessness and moral recklessness. These are the two afflictive qualities."
AN 2.275-279
"Bhikkhus, there are these two non -afflictive qualities. What two ? (275) Non-anger and non -hostility ... (276) Non-denigration and non -insolence... (277) Non -envy and non-miserliness . . . (278) Non-deceitfulness and non -craftiness..... (279) Moral shame and moral dread. These are the two non-afflictive qualities."
XVIII Discipline Repetition Series AN 280-309 Vinaya Peyyala Vagga
AN 2.280
" Bhikkhus, it is for these two reasons that the Tathagata has prescribed the training rules for his disciples. What two? For the w ell-being of the Sangha and for the ease of the S a n g h a ...F o r keeping recalcitrant persons in check and so that well-behaved bhikkhus can dwell at ease... F or the restraint of taints pertaining to this present life.and for the dispelling of taints pertaining to future lives... For the restraint of enmities pertaining to this present life and for the dispelling of enmities pertaining to future lives.. .For the restraint of faults pertaining to this present life and for the dispelling of faults pertaining to future lives... For the restraint of perils pertaining to this present life and for the dispelling of perils pertaining to future lives... For the restraint of unwholesome qualities pertaining, to this present life and for the dispelling of the wholesome qualities pertaining to future lives..
Out of compassion for laypeople and to stop the faction of those with evil desires... So that those without confidence might gain confidence and for increasing [the confidence] of those with confidence... For the continuation of the good Dhamma and for promoting the discipline. It is for these two reasons that the Tathagata has prescribed the training rules for his disciples."
AN 2.281 -309
"Bhikkhus, it is for these two reasons that the Tathagata (281) has prescribed the Patimokkha for his disciples.. . [this sutta and those to follow should be elaborated as above ].. (282) . .has prescribed the recitation of the Patimokkha..." (283) " ... has prescribed the suspension or the Patimokkha..." (284) .. has prescribed the invitation ceremony . . . " (285 ) " ...has prescribed the suspension of the invitation ceremony ..." (286 )' ... has prescribed the legal act of censure (287 ) " ...has prescribed the legal act of [placing under] dependence (288) " ... has prescribed the legal act o f banishment..." (289) .. has prescribed the legal act of reconciliation .. (290) ... has prescribed the legal act of suspension .. ... (291) .. has prescribed the imposition of probation .. ... (292) . .has prescribed sending back to the beginning ..." (293) . . has prescribed the imposition of penance ., (294) " . . . has prescribed rehabilitation .. ( 295 ) " ..; has prescribed reinstatement. .." (296) " ... has prescribed removal.. (297) " ... has prescribed full ordination . . . " (298). - has prescribed a legal act that consists in a motion .. (299) .. has prescribed a legal act that includes a motion as the second [factor]..." (300) . .has prescribed a legal act that includes a motion as the fourth [factor].. (301) " ... has prescribed [a training rule] w hen n on e had been prescribed before. . (302) . .has added an amendment [to a training rule already] prescribed ..." (303) " ... has prescribed rem oval by presence . . . "
(304) " ... has prescribed removal on account of recollection..." (305) " . . . has prescribed removal on account of [past] insanity ..." (306) " ...has prescribed the acknowledgment [of an offense ]..." (307) . .has prescribed [the opinion of] the majority ..." (308) " ... has prescribed [the pronouncement of] aggravated misconduct..." (309) " ...has prescribed covering over with grass. What two? For the well-being of the Sangha and for the ease of the Sangha. . . ... For the continuation of the good Dhamma and for promoting the discipline. It is for these two reasons that the Tathagata has prescribed the covering over with grass." XIX Lust and So Forth Repetition Series AN 2.310-479 Raga Peyyala Vagga
AN 2.310
"Bhikkhus, for direct knowledge of lust, two things are to be developed. What two? Serenity and insight. For direct knowledge of lust, these two things are to be developed."
AN 2.311 -319
"Bhikkhus, for full understanding of lust.;. for the utter destruction of lust. . . for the abandoning of lust.. . for the destruction of lust...for the vanishing of lust...for the fading away of lust .. for the cessation of lust... for the giving up of lust... for the relinquishment of lust, these two things are to be developed. What two? Serenity and insight. For the relinquishment of lust, these two things are to be developed."
AN 2.320 —479
"Bhikkhus, for direct knowledge... for full understanding.. . for the utter destruction ... for the abandoning... for the destruction ... for the vanishing ... for the fading away ... for the cessation ... for the giving up ... for the relinquishment of hatred ... of delusion .. . of anger.... of hostility... of denigration... of insolence . . . of envy . . . of miserliness. . . of deceitfulness . . . of craftiness .. .of obstinacy . . . of vehemence... of conceit. . . of arrogance... of intoxication .. . of heedlessness, these two things are to be developed. What two? Serenity and insight. For the relinquishment of heedlessness, these, two things are to be developed."
References 1. www.accesstoinsight.org 2. https://suttacentral.net/ 3. The numerical discourses of the Buddha (Bhikkhu Bodhi)