On one occasion the Blessed One was living at Savatthi in Jeta's Grove, Anathapindika's Park. Now on that occasion some brahmin householders of Veranja were on a visit to Savatthi for some business or other.
[The text of this sutta is the same as that of Sutta 41, except that where the preceding sutta is phrased in terms of "conduct not in accordance with the Dhamma, unrighteous conduct" (§§7-10) and "conduct in accordance with the Dhamma, righteous conduct" (§§11-14), this sutta is phrased in terms of "one who does not observe conduct in accordance with the Dhamma, one of unrighteous conduct" and "one who observes conduct in accordance with the Dhamma, one of righteous conduct"; substitute "Veranja"/or "Sala" throughout.]
In these two nearly identical suttas MN 41 and 42 the Buddha explains to groups of brahmin householders the courses of conduct leading to rebirth in lower realms and the courses leading to higher rebirth and deliverance.
References: 1. www.accesstoinsight.org 2. https://suttacentral.net/ 3. The middle length discourses of the Buddha (Bhikkhu Bodhi)