I Obsession of the mind, II Abandoning the hindrances , III Unwiedly & IV Untamed
AN 1.1-10 Cittapariyadana Vagga: Obsession of the mind
AN 1.1
Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One w as dwelling at Savatthi in Jeta's Grove, Anathapindika's Park. There the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus: "Bhikkhus!'"
"Venerable sir!" those bhikkhus replied. The Blessed One said this: "Bhikkhus,'I do not see even one other form that so obsesses the mind of a man as the form of a woman. The form of a woman obsesses the mind of a man ."
AN 1.2
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other sound that so obsesses the mind of a man as the sound of a wom an. The sound of a woman obsesses the mind of a man ."
AN 1.3
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other odor that so obsesses the m ind of a man as the odor of a w oman. The odor of a woman obsesses the mind of a man ."
AN 1.4
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other taste that so obsesses the m ind of a man as the taste of a woman. The taste of a woman obsesses the mind of a man ."
AN 1.5
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other touch that so obsesses the mind of a man as the touch of a woman. The touch of a woman obsesses the mind of a man."
AN 1.6
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other form that so obsesses the mind of a woman as the form of a man. The form of a man obsesses the mind of a woman."
AN 1.7
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other sound that so obsesses the mind of a woman as the sound of a man. The sound of a man obsesses the mind of a woman."
AN 1.8
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other odor that so obsesses the m ind of a woman as the odor of a man. The odor of a man obsesses the mind of a woman."
AN 1.9
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other taste that so obsesses the mind of a woman as the taste of a m an. The taste of a man obsesses the mind of a woman."
AN 1.10
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other touch that so obsesses the mind of a woman as the touch of a man. The touch of a man obsesses the mind of a woman."
AN 1.11-20 Nivaranappahana Vagga: Abandoning the Hindrances
AN 1.11
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing on account of which unarisen sensual desire arises and arisen sensual desire increases and expands so much as the mark of the attractive. For one who attends carelessly to the mark of the attractive, unarisen sensual desire arises and arisen sensual desire increases and expands."
AN 1.12
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing on account of which unarisen ill will arises and arisen ill will increases and expands so much as the mark of the repulsive. For one who attends carelessly to the mark of the repulsive, unarisen ill will arises and arisen ill will increases and expands." AN 1.13
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing on account of which unarisen dullness and drowsiness arise and arisen dullness and drowsiness increase and expand so much as discontent, lethargy, lazy stretching, drowsiness after meals, and sluggishness of mind. For One with a sluggish m ind, unarisen dullness and drowsiness arise and arisen dullness and drowsiness increase and expand ."
AN 1.14
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing on account of which unarisen restlessness and remorse arise and arisen restlessness and remorse increase and expand so much as an unsettled mind. For one with an unsettled mind, unarisen restlessness and remorse arise and arisen restlessness and remorse increase and expand."
AN 1.15
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing on account of which unarisen doubt arises and arisen doubt increases and expands so much as careless attention For one w ho attends carelessly, unarisen doubt arises and arisen doubt increases and expands."
AN 1.16
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing on account of which unarisen sensual desire does not arise and arisen sensual desire is abandoned so much as the mark of the unattractive. For one w ho attends carefully to the mark of the unattractive, unarisen sensual desire does not arise and arisen sensual desire is abandoned."
AN 1.17
“Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing on account of which unarisen ill will does not arise and arisen ill will is abandoned so much as the liberation of the mind by loving-kindness. For one who attends carefully to the liberation of the mind by loving kindness, unarisen ill will does not arise and arisen ill will is abandoned."
AN 1.18
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing on account of which unarisen dullness and drowsiness do not arise and arisen dullness and drowsiness are abandoned so much as the element of instigation, the element of persistence, the element of exertion. For one w ho has aroused energy, unarisen dullness and drowsiness do not arise and arisen dullness and drowsiness are abandoned."
AN 1.19
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing on account of which unarisen restlessness and remorse do not arise and arisen restlessness and remorse are abandoned so-much as pacification of the mind. For one with a pacified mind, unarisen restlessness and remorse do not arise and arisen restlessness and remorse are abandoned ."
AN 1.20
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing on account of which unarisen doubt does not arise and arisen doubt is abandoned so much as careful attention. For one who attends carefully, unarisen doubt does not arise and arisen doubt is abandoned."
III Unwieldy AN 1.21-30 Akammaniya Vagga
AN 1.21
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing that when undeveloped is so unwieldy as the mind. An undeveloped m ind is unwieldy."
AN 1.22
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing that when developed is so wieldy as the mind. A developed mind is wieldy."
AN 1.23
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing that w hen undeveloped leads to such great harm as the mind. An undeveloped mind leads to great harm ."
AN 1.24
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing that when developed leads to such great good as the mind. A developed mind leads to great good." AN 1.25
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing that, when undeveloped and unmanifested, leads to such great harm as the mind. The mind, when undeveloped and unmanifested, leads to great harm ."
AN 1.26
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing that, w hen developed and manifested, leads to such great good as the mind. The mind, when developed and manifested, leads to great good."
AN 1.27
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing that, w hen undeveloped and uncultivated, leads to such great harm as the mind. The mind, w hen undeveloped and uncultivated, leads to great harm ."
AN 1.28
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing that, w hen developed and cultivated, leads to such great good as the mind. The mind, when developed and cultivated, leads to great good ." AN 1.29
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing that, when undeveloped and uncultivated, brings such suffering as the mind. The mind, when undeveloped and uncultivated, brings suffering."
AN 1.30
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing that, when developed and cultivated, brings such happiness as the mind. The mind, when developed and cultivated, brings happiness."
IV Untamed AN 1.31-40 Adanta Vagga
AN 1.31
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing that when untamed leads to such great harm as the mind. An untamed mind leads to great harm ."
AN 1.32
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing that w hen tamed leads to such great good as the mind. A tamed m ind leads to great good ." AN 1.33
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing that w hen unguarded leads to such great harm as the mind. An unguarded mind leads to great harm ."
AN 1.34
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing that when guarded leads to such great good as the mind. A guarded mind leads to great good ."
AN 1.35
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing that w'hen unprotected leads to such great harm as the mind. An unprotected mind leads to great harm ."
AN 1.36
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing that when protected leads to such great good as the mind. A protected mind leads to great good ." AN 1.37
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing that when unrestrained leads to such great harm as the mind. An unrestrained mind leads to great harm ."
AN 1.38
''Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing that when restrained leads to such great good as the mind. A restrained m ind leads to great good."
AN 1.39
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing that, when untamed, unguarded, unprotected, and unrestrained, leads to such great harm as the mind. The mind, when untamed, unguarded , unprotected, and unrestrained, leads to great harm."
AN 1.40
"Bhikkhus, I do not see even one other thing that, when tamed, guarded, protected and restrained, leads to such great good as the mind. The mind, when tamed, guarded, protected, and restrained, leads to great good. "
References 1. www.accesstoinsight.org 2. https://suttacentral.net/ 3. The numerical discourses of the Buddha (Bhikkhu Bodhi)