MN 114 Sevitabbasevitabba Sutta: To Be Cultivated and Not To Be Cultivated
Thus have i heard.
On one occasion the Blessed One was living at Savatthi in Jeta's Grove, Anathapindika's Park. There he addressed the bhikkhus thus: "Bhikkhus, I shall teach you a discourse on what should be cultivated and what should not be cultivated. Listen and attend closely to what I shall say." "Yes, venerable sir," the bhikkhus replied. The Blessed One said this:
FIRST EXPOSITION "Bhikkhus, bodily conduct, verbal conduct and mental conduct are of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated. And bodily conduct is either the one or the other. Inclination of mind is of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated. And inclination of mind is either the one or the other. The acquisition of perception, acquisition of view and acquisition of individuality are of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated. And the acquisition of perception is either the one or the other. "
When this was said, the venerable Sariputta said to the Blessed One: "Venerable sir, I understand the detailed meaning of the Blessed One's utterance, which he has spoken in brief without expounding the detailed meaning, to be thus:'"Bhikkhus, bodily conduct is of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated. And bodily conduct is either the one or the other.' So it was said by the Blessed One. And with reference to what was this said?"
"Venerable sir, bodily conduct that causes unwholesome states to increase and wholesome states to diminish in one who cultivates it should not be cultivated. But bodily conduct that causes unwholesome states to diminish and wholesome states to increase in one who cultivates it should be cultivated. And what kind of bodily conduct causes unwholesome states to increase and wholesome states to diminish in one who cultivates it? Here someone kills and harms living beings. He takes what is not given. He conducts sexual misconduct. Such bodily conduct causes unwholesome states to increase and wholesome states to diminish in one who cultivates it. "
"And what kind of bodily conduct causes unwholesome states to diminish and wholesome states to increase in one who cultivates it? Here someone, abandons the killing of living beings, abstains from killing living beings; he abides compassionate to all living beings. Abandoning the taking of what is not given, abandoning sexual misconduct. . Such bodily conduct causes unwholesome states to diminish and wholesome states to increase in one who cultivates it. "
"So it was with reference to this that it was said by the Blessed One: 'Bhikkhus, bodily conduct is of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated. And bodily conduct is either the one or the other.'"
"Bhikkhus, verbal conduct is of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated. And verbal conduct is either the one or the other.' So it was said by the Blessed One. And with reference to what was this said? " "Venerable sir, verbal conduct that causes unwholesome states to increase and wholesome states to diminish in one who cultivates it should not be cultivated. But verbal conduct that causes unwholesome states to diminish and wholesome states to increase in one who cultivates it should be cultivated. And what kind of verbal conduct causes unwholesome states to increase and wholesome states to diminish in one who cultivates it? Here someone speaks falsehood. He speaks maliciously; he repeats elsewhere what he has heard here in order to cause divide in people,. He is who enjoys discord, rejoices in discord, delights in discord, a speaker of words that create discord. He speaks harshly. He is a gossip; he speaks at the wrong time, speaks what is not fact, speaks what is useless, speaks contrary to the Dhamma and the Discipline; at the wrong time he speaks such words as are worthless, unreasonable, immoderate, and un-beneficial. Such verbal conduct causes unwholesome states to increase and wholesome states to diminish in one who cultivates it."
"And what kind of verbal conduct causes unwholesome states to diminish and wholesome states to increase in one who cultivates it? Here someone, abandoning false speech, abstains from false speech. Abandoning malicious speech, he abstains from malicious speech; he does not repeat elsewhere what he has heard here in order to divide people thus he is one who reunites those who are divided, a promoter of friendships, who enjoys concord, rejoices in concord, delights in concord, a speaker of words that promote concord. Abandoning harsh speech, he abstains from harsh speech; he speaks such words as are gentle, pleasing to the ear, and loveable and agreeable to many. Abandoning gossip, he abstains from gossip; he speaks at the right time, speaks what is fact, speaks on what is good, speaks on the Dhamma and the Discipline; at the right time he speaks such words as are worth recording, reasonable, moderate, and beneficial. Such verbal conduct causes unwholesome states to diminish and wholesome states to increase in one who cultivates it."
"So it was with reference to this that it was said by the Blessed One: 'Bhikkhus, verbal conduct is of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated. And verbal conduct is either the one or the other.'"
"Mental conduct is of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated. And mental conduct is either the one or the other.' So it was said by the Blessed One, And with reference to what was this said?" "Venerable sir, mental conduct that causes unwholesome states to increase and wholesome states to diminish in one who cultivates it should not be cultivated. But mental conduct that causes unwholesome states to diminish and wholesome states to increase in one who cultivates it should be cultivated. And what kind of mental conduct causes unwholesome states to increase and wholesome states to diminish in one who cultivates it? Here someone is covetous; he covets the wealth and property of others thus: 'Oh, may what belongs to another be mine!' Or he has a mind of ill will and intentions of hate thus: 'May these beings be slain and slaughtered, may they be cut off, perish, or be annihilated!' Such mental conduct causes unwholesome states to increase and wholesome states to diminish in one who cultivates it."
"And what kind of mental conduct causes unwholesome states to diminish and wholesome states to increase in one who cultivates it? Here someone is not covetous; he does not covet the wealth and property of others thus: 'Oh, may what belongs to another be mine!' His mind is without ill will and he has intentions free from hate thus: 'May these beings be free from enmity, affliction, and anxiety! May they live happily!' Such mental conduct causes unwholesome states to diminish and wholesome states to increase in one who cultivates it. "
"So it was with reference to this that it was said by the Blessed One: 'Bhikkhus, mental conduct is of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated. And mental conduct is either the one or the other.'"
"Inclination of mind is of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated. And inclination of mind is either the one or the other.' So it was said by the Blessed One. And with reference to what was this said? "
"Venerable sir, such inclination of mind that causes unwholesome states to increase and wholesome states to diminish in one who cultivates it should not be cultivated. But such inclination of mind that causes unwholesome states to diminish and wholesome states to increase in one who cultivates it should be cultivated. And what kind of inclination of mind causes unwholesome states to increase and wholesome states to diminish in one who cultivates it? Here someone is covetous and abides with his mind imbued with covetousness; he has ill will and abides with his mind imbued with ill will; he is cruel and abides with his mind imbued with cruelty. Such inclination of mind causes unwholesome states to increase and wholesome states to diminish in one who cultivates it. "
"And what kind of inclination of mind causes unwholesome states to diminish and wholesome states to increase in one who cultivates it? Here someone is uncovetous and abides with his mind detached from covetousness; he is without ill will and abides with his mind detached from ill will; he is not cruel and abides with his mind detached from cruelty. Such inclination of mind causes unwholesome states to diminish and wholesome states to increase in one who cultivates it."
"So it was with reference to this that it was said by the Blessed One: 'Bhikkhus, inclination of mind is of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated. And inclination of mind is either the one or the other.'"
"The acquisition of perception is of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated. And the acquisition of perception is either the one or the other.' So it was said by the Blessed One. And with reference to what was this said? "
"Venerable sir, such acquisition of perception that causes unwholesome states to increase and wholesome states to diminish in one who cultivates it should not be cultivated. But such acquisition of perception that causes unwholesome states to diminish and wholesome states to increase in one who cultivates it should be cultivated. And what kind of acquisition of perception causes unwholesome states to increase and wholesome states to diminish in one who cultivates it? Here someone is covetous and abides with his perception imbued with covetousness; he has ill will and abides with his perception imbued with ill will; he is cruel and abides with his perception imbued with cruelty. Such acquisition of perception causes unwholesome states to increase and wholesome states to diminish in one who cultivates it. "
"And what kind of acquisition of perception causes unwholesome states to diminish and wholesome states to increase in one who cultivates it? Here someone is un-covetous and abides with his perception detached from covetousness; he is without ill will and abides with his perception detached from ill will; he is not cruel and abides with his perception detached from cruelty. Such acquisition of perception causes unwholesome states to diminish and wholesome states to increase in one who cultivates it. "
"So it was with reference to this that it was said by the Blessed One: 'Bhikkhus, the acquisition of perception is of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated. And the acquisition of perception is either the one or the other.'"
"The acquisition of view is of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated. And the acquisition of view is either the one or the other. So it was said by the Blessed One. And with reference to what was this said? "
"Venerable sir, such acquisition of view that causes unwholesome states to increase and wholesome states to diminish in one who cultivates it should not be cultivated. But such acquisition of view that causes unwholesome states to diminish and wholesome states to increase in one who cultivates it should be cultivated. "
"And what kind of acquisition of view causes unwholesome states to increase and wholesome states to diminish in one who cultivates it? Here someone holds such a view as this: "There is nothing given, nothing offered, nothing sacrificed; no fruit or result of good and bad actions; no this world, no other world; no mother, no father; no beings who are reborn spontaneously; no good and virtuous recluses and brahmins in the world who have realized for themselves by direct knowledge and declare this world and the other world.' Such acquisition of view causes unwholesome states to increase and wholesome states to diminish in one who cultivates it. "
"And what kind of acquisition of view causes unwholesome states to diminish and wholesome states to increase in one who cultivates it? Here someone holds such a view as this: "There is what is given and what is offered and what is sacrificed; there is fruit and result of good and bad actions; there is this world and the other world; there is mother and father; there are beings who are reborn spontaneously; there are good and virtuous recluses and brahmins in the world who have realized for themselves by direct knowledge and declare this world and the other world.' Such acquisition of view causes unwholesome states to diminish and wholesome states to increase in one who cultivates it." "So it was with reference to this that it was said by the Blessed One: 'Bhikkhus, the acquisition of view is of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated. And the acquisition of view is either the one or the other.' "
"The acquisition of individuality is of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated. And the acquisition of individuality is either the one or the other.' So it was said by the Blessed One. And with reference to what was this said? "
"Venerable sir, such acquisition of individuality that causes unwholesome states to increase and wholesome states to diminish in one who cultivates it should not be cultivated. But such acquisition of individuality that causes unwholesome states to diminish and wholesome states to increase in one who cultivates it should be cultivated. And what kind of acquisition of individuality causes unwholesome states to increase and wholesome states to diminish in one who cultivates it? When a person generates an acquisition of individuality that is subject to affliction, unwholesome states increase and wholesome states diminish in him, preventing him from putting an end to being."
"And what kind of acquisition of individuality causes unwholesome states to diminish and wholesome states to increase in one who cultivates it? When a person generates an acquisition of individuality that is free from affliction, unwholesome states diminish and wholesome states increase in him, enabling him to put an end to being. "So it was with reference to this that it was said by the Blessed One: 'Bhikkhus, the acquisition of individuality is of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated. And the acquisition of individuality is either the one or the other.' "
"Venerable sir, I understand the detailed meaning of the Blessed One's utterance, which he has spoken in brief without expounding the detailed meaning, to be thus."
FIRST APPROVAL AND RECAPITULATION "Good, good, Sariputta! It is good that you understand the detailed meaning of my utterance, which I spoke in brief without expounding the detailed meaning, to be thus. Sariputta, the detailed meaning of my utterance, which I spoke in brief, should be regarded thus. "
"Sariputta, forms cognizable by the eye are of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated. Sounds cognizable by the ear are of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated. Odors cognizable by the nose are of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated. Flavors cognizable by the tongue are of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated. Tangibles cognizable by the body are of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated. Mind-objects cognizable by the mind are of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated."
When this was said, the venerable Sariputta said to the Blessed One: "Venerable sir, I understand the detailed meaning of the Blessed One's utterance, which he has spoken in brief without expounding the detailed meaning, to be thus: "Sariputta, forms cognizable by the eye are of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated.' So it was said by the Blessed One. And with reference to what was this said? "
"Venerable sir, such forms cognizable by the eye that cause unwholesome states to increase and wholesome states to diminish in one who cultivates them should not be cultivated. But such forms cognizable by the eye that cause unwholesome states to diminish and wholesome states to increase in one who cultivates them should be cultivated. So it was with reference to this that it was said by the Blessed One: 'Sariputta, forms cognizable by the eye are of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated.' " "Sounds cognizable by the ear are of two kinds, I say'......Odours cognizable by the nose are of two kinds, I say'... Flavors cognizable by the tongue are of two kinds, I say'......Tangibles cognizable by the body are of two kinds, I say'... ..Mind-objects cognizable by the mind are of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated.' So it was said by the Blessed One. And with reference to what was this said? " "Venerable sir, such mind-objects cognizable by the mind that cause unwholesome states to increase and wholesome states to diminish in one who cultivates them should not be cultivated. But such mind-objects cognizable by the mind that cause unwholesome states to diminish and wholesome states to increase in one who cultivates them should be cultivated. So it was with reference to this that it was said by the Blessed One: 'Mind-objects cognizable by the mind are of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated.' "
"Venerable sir, I understand the detailed meaning of the Blessed One's utterance, which he has spoken in brief without expounding the detailed meaning, to be thus."
"Good, good, Sariputta! It is good that you understand the detailed meaning of my utterance, which I spoke in brief without expounding the detailed meaning, to be thus.Sariputta, the detailed meaning of my utterance, which I spoke in brief, should be regarded thus." (As above)
"Sariputta, robes, alms food, resting places, villages towns, cities, districts and persons are of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated"
When this was said, the venerable Sariputta said to the Blessed One: "Venerable sir, I understand the detailed meaning of the Blessed One's utterance, which he has spoken in brief without expounding the detailed meaning, to be thus: '"Sariputta, robes are of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated.' So it was said by the Blessed One. And with reference to what was this said?"
"Venerable sir, such robes that cause unwholesome states to increase and wholesome states to diminish in one who cultivates them should not be cultivated. But such robes that cause unwholesome states to diminish and wholesome states to increase in one who cultivates them should be cultivated. So it was with reference to this that it was said by the Blessed One: 'Sariputta, robes are of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated..Almsfood is of two kinds...Resting places are of two kinds,...Villages are of two kinds....Towns are of two kinds...Cities are of two kinds....Districts are of two kinds....Persons are of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated.' So it was said by the Blessed One. And with reference to what was this said? "
"Venerable sir, association with persons that causes unwholesome states to increase and wholesome states to diminish in one who cultivates it should not be cultivated. But association with persons that causes unwholesome states to diminish and wholesome states to increase in one who cultivates it should be cultivated. So it was with reference to this that it was said by the Blessed One: 'Persons are of two kinds, I say: to be cultivated and not to be cultivated.'"
"Venerable sir, I understand the detailed meaning of the Blessed One's utterance, which he has spoken in brief without expounding the detailed meaning, to be thus."
"Good, good, Sariputta! It is good that you understand the detailed meaning of my utterance, which I spoke in brief without expounding the detailed meaning, to be thus. (In these paragraphs the Buddha repeats the above) Sariputta, the detailed meaning of my utterance, which I spoke in brief, should be regarded thus."
"Sariputta, if all nobles understood thus the detailed meaning of my utterance, which I spoke in brief, it would lead to their welfare and happiness for a long time.If all brahmins... all merchants...all workers understood thus the meaning of my utterance, which I spoke in brief, it would lead to their welfare and happiness for a long time. If the world with its gods, its Maras, and its Brahmas, this generation with its recluses and brahmins, its princes and its people, understood thus the detailed meaning of my utterance, which I spoke in brief, it would lead to the welfare and happiness of the world for a long time."
That is what the Blessed One said. The venerable Sariputta was satisfied and delighted in the Blessed One's words.
In summary, the Buddha goes through three brief outlines of what should be cultivated and what should not to be cultivated in context with bodily conduct, verbal conduct, mental conduct, inclination of the mind, the acquisition of perception, acquisition of view and the acquisition of individuality. In each case Sariputta expands the brief discussion in details on cultivating wholesome qualities and to abandon unwholesome qualities. The Buddha confirms and praises Sariputtas analysis. Then Buddha repeats what Sariputta has said, so the bhikkhus end up having heard the lesson three times.
References: 1. 2. 3. The middle length discourses of the Buddha (Bhikkhu Bodhi)